About the Artwork credit: platformart

Paula Kamps

Paula Kamps is a German poet and painter known for her wet-on-wet, ink-on-canvas technique and incomplete, dream-like compositions that feature figures and faces formed out of spills of color. Born in Cologne in 1990, she studied at Kunstakademie Düsseldorf in Germany and also studied philosophy at the Freie Universitat Berlin in Germany.

Kamps’ work explores the concept of fabulation, which treats the artist as a disjointed narrator whose recollections are eventually occluded by the passage of time. Her two-part studio process relies on indeterminate outcomes, which results in compositions that are uncomfortable and incomplete reveries.

Kamps has had solo exhibitions of her work at various galleries, including Mine Project in Hong Kong, China (2022), M. LeBlanc in Chicago, Illinois (2021), Sans titre in Paris, France (2020), Spazio Nea in Naples, Italy (2018), Kunstverein Heppenheim in Heppenheim, Germany (2019), and Kunsthaus Mettmann in Mettmann, Germany (2014). In addition, her collaboration with Fanclub dance collective, titled Gone Home, took place at Lille Carl in Copenhagen, Denmark (2012).

Kamps’ work has also been featured in numerous group exhibitions, including She Came To Stay at Andrea Festa Fine Art in Rome, Italy (2021), Ich liebe Dich geh weg at Potsdamer 103 in Berlin, Germany (2018), I can bite the hand that feeds me and gently caress it too at Carbon 12 Gallery in Dubai, UAE (2018), and A solo show on planet earth, with Andr Butzer and Josef Zekoff at Sunday-S in Copenhagen, Denmark (2018).

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  • Years:

    Born in 1990

  • Country:

    Germany, Cologne

  • Gallery:

    Sans titre