Yoan Mudry

In his works, Yoan Mudry explores the mechanisms governing the flow of images, narratives, and information that envelop our world.

Biography of Yoan Mudry

Yoan Mudry was born in 1990 in Lausanne, Switzerland. He attended Gymnase de la Cité in Lausanne. Later, he earned a Bachelor's degree in Visual Arts in 2012, followed by an MFA in 2014 from HEAD in Geneva.  

In 2014, he received the Prix Neuman from the City of Geneva and the Prix New Heads from Fondation BNP Paribas.

Mudry's solo exhibitions include "Pollock’s Fault" at Union Pacific in London (2023), "The Future Doesn't Need Us" at Back Wall, Kunsthalle Basel in Basel (2021), and "Schizophrenic Values" at Nicolas Krupp Gallery in Basel (2019), among others.

His paintings have also been featured in various group exhibitions, such as "Spielact Festival" at Le Commun in Geneva (2023), Swiss Art Awards 23 in Basel (2023), "The Alignment Problem" at LYIH in Geneva (2023), "Multipes#0" at La Julienne in Geneva (2022), "Fotoromanza" at Le Commun in Geneva (2021), and "Triple Burner" at Union Pacific in London (2021), among others.

Currently, the artist lives in Geneva, where he continues to work.

Yoan Mudry's Art Style

His intricately detailed paintings challenge the constant flow of images and narratives from pop culture that saturate modern society. At the heart of his inquiry is the exploration of the conditions of reappropriating these images.

Mudry's projects disrupt many familiar elements of contemporary artistic production, such as the exhibition opening, the catalogue, and the retrospective. Through reappropriation and the deliberate juxtaposition of seemingly unrelated subjects, Mudry critically examines the mechanisms behind the distribution of contemporary images.

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