About the Artwork © Photo: Amelie Losier
© Photo by Amelie Losier

Marjetica Potrč

Marjetica Potrč is a Slovenian artist and architect, born in 1953. She is known for her socially engaged art that explores issues of urbanization, sustainability, and community building. Potrč's work often takes the form of site-specific installations, drawings, and architectural interventions that respond to the specific context of a place.

Potrč's art is characterized by a deep commitment to sustainability and social justice, with a focus on empowering marginalized communities and promoting grassroots activism. Her work often takes the form of architectural models and drawings, as well as installations that incorporate recycled materials and found objects. She also frequently collaborates with architects, urban planners, and community activists to develop innovative solutions for sustainable urban development.

In addition to her artistic practice, Potrč is also an accomplished architect and has taught architecture at universities such as the University of Ljubljana, the University of Applied Arts Vienna, and Harvard University.

Potrč's work has been exhibited extensively both nationally and internationally, including at the Venice Biennale, Documenta, and the Istanbul Biennial. She has also held residencies at numerous institutions, such as the MIT Center for Advanced Visual Studies, the Walker Art Center, and the International Studio and Curatorial Program in New York. She has received several awards for her work, including the Hugo Boss Prize in 2000 and the Vera List Center for Art and Politics Prize in 2013.

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