
Markéta Othová

Markéta Othová was born in Brno, Czech Reoublic, in 1968. From 1987 to 1993, she attended the Studio of Film and TV Graphics at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design. After graduating, she embarked on a study stay at Institut de France in Paris. Currently, the artist lives and works in Prague.

Biogrpahy of Markéta Othová

Arranged in series, Markéta Othová's photographs evoke associations that extend both internally and externally in meaning. Her artistic trajectory underwent a significant shift in the 1990s when she embraced an archival approach. During this period, she began curating her earlier images and weaving them into cycles that were interconnected both in form and theme.

She works in large-scale black-and-white photography, consistently organizing her pieces into cycles presented in lines or grids. Her works are presented in suites, crafting a lyrical narrative that depicts nomadic experiences. These images trace her journeys between her hometown, Prague, and other cities. They capture moments of transit—a fleeting gaze from a car or train window, an instant seized while swiftly moving through open landscapes or a casual stroll along a city street.

Markéta Othová manually enlarges her photographs on traditional photo paper, typically refraining from any adjustments. The formal simplicity and purity she incorporates are evident in her unique photographic style and composition strategies. Although the images may convey concrete scenes, their messages might appear initially incomprehensible or mysterious.

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