About the Artwork credit: clarkart

Lin May Saeed

Lin May Saeed was not only an artist but also a dedicated advocate for animals. Despite the increasingly progressive viewpoints in society, empathy for animals is seldom expressed in visual art. Saeed approached this theme with a captivating and persuasive lightness, perhaps to prevent us from averting our gaze from the discomfort it might evoke.

Biography of Lin May Saeed 

Lin May Saeed was born in 1973 in Würzburg, Germany. She studied at Kunstakademie Düsseldorf from 1995 to 2001.

In 2000, she received a scholarship from Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes. Three years later, in 2003, she founded the exhibitionspace Center in Berlin.

In 2006, Lin May Saeed was honored with a Scholarship for Sculpture Gasmesserhaus, and in 2011, she received a Peter Mertes Stipendium des Bonner Kunstvereins.

Her solo exhibitions include "Im Paradies fällt der Schnee langsam" at Georg Kolbe Museum in Berlin (2023), "Jochen Lempert" at Chris Sharp Gallery in Los Angeles (2022), "Rami" at Jacky Strenz in Frankfurt/Main (2021), and many more.

Furthermore, Lin May Saeed showcased her work at prominent venues, including the Berlin Biennale, Museum Frieder Burda, Amsterdam Sculpture Biennale, the Ljubljana Biennial of Graphic Arts, Castello di Rivoli, Aspen Art Museum, and the Clark Art Institute.

The artist passed away from brain cancer in 2023.

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