About the Artwork Dominik Sittig 2017 Foto  C  Barbara Buchmaier
© Photo by Barbara Buchmaier

Dominik Sittig

Dominik Sittig draws significant creative influence from the 1980s. The artists of his generation, shaped by the dynamic atmosphere of that era, are impacted by the rapid expansion of global capitalism, political tumult, pronounced wealth disparities, the rise of global mass media, and distinctive cultural elements such as electronic pop music and hip hop.

Exhibitions of Dominik Sittig's Artwork

Dominik Sittig was born in 1975 in Nürnberg, Germany. He studied at the Akademie der Bildenden Künste Nürnberg from 1997 to 2004. 

Throughout his illustrious career, he has held numerous solo exhibitions. Among them are "The Pompeii Paradigm" at Galerie Nagel Draxler in Cologne (2023), "Les Familles et les Plages" at Galerie Nicolas Krupp in Basel (2021), "Honfleur" at Nagel Draxler Kabinett in Berlin (2020), "MEMORIORAMA" at Galerie Nagel Draxler in Berlin (2018), and many more.

Dominik Sittig's works have also been featured in group exhibitions, including "Lose Enden" at Kunsthalle Bern (2021), "A Matter of Time" in Düsseldorf (2019), "Jeepers Creepers" at Braunsfelder Family Collection in Cologne (2018), "The Happy Fainting of Painting #2" at Galerie Krobath in Vienna (2017), "Immortalismus" at Kunstverein Freiburg in Freiburg (2017), among others.

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