Tracy Molis

Tracy Molis is an artist based in Los Angeles and New York, born in 1987 in Los Angeles, California. She holds an MFA in Visual Arts from Columbia University in New York (2011) and a BFA in Visual Arts from California State University Long Beach (2007). Molis' work is characterized by her unique style of creating silhouette-like images inspired by ancient mythology and iconic moments in art history. Her acrylic paintings and drawings often re-contextualize familiar images such as ancient gods and fantastic hybrid creatures, rendered in shadowy greys and white eyes, giving them a new and strikingly different interpretation.

Molis has had recent solo exhibitions at Night Gallery in Los Angeles and Kai Matsumiya in New York. She has also participated in group exhibitions at Joe Sheftel Gallery and Jewish Museum in New York, Kijidome in Boston, Zwischen Raum Zeit in Milwaukee, and ReMap 4 in Athens. In 2011, Molis was selected to represent her city in the Bosch Young Talent show at Stedelijk Museum s' Hertogenbosch in the Netherlands.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1987

  • Country:

    United States of America, Los Angeles, New York