About the Artwork Berlin Art Link Tobias Zielony Studio Hannes Wiedemann1

Tobias Zielony

Tobias Zielony is a German contemporary artist and photographer who was born in 1973 in Wuppertal, Germany. He studied Documentary Photography at the University of Wales, Newport and Photography at the University of Applied Sciences Bielefeld.

Zielony is known for his documentary-style photography that often explores themes related to youth culture, identity, and social issues. He has traveled extensively throughout Europe and the United States to capture images that reflect the realities of marginalized communities, particularly those of young people.

One of Zielony's most notable works is his "Trona" series, which depicts the lives of young people in the small desert town of Trona, California. The series focuses on the effects of poverty and social isolation on the youth in this community, as well as the resilience and creativity they exhibit in the face of adversity.

Zielony's work has been exhibited in numerous galleries and museums internationally, including the Museum of Modern Art in New York, the Berlin Biennale, and the Venice Biennale. He has received several awards and grants for his work, including the Ars Viva Prize for Fine Arts in 2009 and the GASAG Art Prize in 2011.

Today, Zielony is recognized as one of the leading photographers of his generation and continues to create powerful and thought-provoking images that offer insights into the lives of marginalized communities.

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