About the Artwork Img Edwards 081016616627
© Photo by Gregory Harris

Gregory Edwards

Gregory Edwards is a contemporary artist based in New York, known for his unique style of abstract art that highlights ordinary aesthetics from everyday life. He is particularly interested in patterns and motifs that are so ubiquitous that they often go unnoticed in our daily lives. Through his art, he aims to pause our fast-paced, digitally enhanced world and offer moments of visual contemplation.

One of Edwards' most well-known series is "Pedestrian Paintings," which features large square canvases that are uniform in paint handling, but with a considered lyricism in their juxtapositions. The paintings are based on his personal archive of street photography and convey the experience of scrolling and taking pictures while walking. The canvases are a unique blend of digital and analog styles, and they challenge the viewer to slow down and appreciate the world around them.

Gregory Edwards is an artist whose work invites us to pause and appreciate the beauty in the ordinary. His unique style blends digital and analog techniques, and he is known for his ability to create moments of visual serendipity that challenge our fast-paced, digitally-enhanced world. His work has been exhibited in galleries across the United States and has garnered critical acclaim for its unique perspective and style.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1981

  • Country:

    United States of America, New York

  • Gallery:

    47 Canal