About the Artwork Alessandra D Aloia Tiago Carneiro Da Cunha E Marcia Fortes

Tiago Carneiro da Cunha

Tiago Carneiro da Cunha is a contemporary Brazilian artist born in 1973. He is known for his immersive installations that explore themes related to memory, history, and the natural world. Cunha's work often incorporates found objects and materials, such as wood, rocks, and earth, which he transforms through various processes to create intricate and evocative works that blur the line between art and nature.

His installations invite the viewer to engage with the physical and sensory aspects of the work, creating a visceral and emotional experience. Cunha has exhibited his work in solo and group shows in Brazil and internationally, including at the São Paulo Museum of Art and the Museum of Contemporary Art in Tokyo. He was awarded the Marcantonio Vilaça Award for Contemporary Art in 2013. Cunha currently lives and works in São Paulo, Brazil.

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