Simon Evans™

Simon Evans™ is a collaborative artistic project between Simon Evans and Sarah Lannan. The duo creates intricate text-based collages that incorporate poetic phrases, drawings, and images made from everyday materials both inside and outside of the studio. Their work is characterized by a balance between earnestness and irony, often conveying a sense of wry melancholy. Evans' drawings take various forms, including diagrams, charts, maps, advertisements, diary entries, inventories, and cosmologies, which invite the viewer into alternate emotional states. Simon Evans™ has exhibited extensively both nationally and internationally, including significant solo shows at institutions such as the Palais de Tokyo in Paris, the Museum of Contemporary Art in Cleveland, and the Aspen Art Museum in Colorado. Their work is part of the permanent collections of major institutions worldwide, including the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art in Denmark and the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art in California. Simon Evans and Sarah Lannan currently live and work in Brooklyn, NY.

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