About the Artwork Images (51)

Gerben Mulder

Gerben Mulder is a Dutch artist known for his geometric abstract paintings and sculptures. He was born in 1955 in Friesland, Netherlands, and studied at the Minerva Academy in Groningen.

Mulder's work is characterized by his use of precise lines, shapes, and colors to create intricate geometric patterns. He draws inspiration from science, mathematics, and music, and his work often explores themes of order, symmetry, and harmony.

Mulder's paintings are created using a combination of tape and paint, allowing him to achieve sharp, clean lines and create complex compositions. His sculptures, made from materials such as metal and wood, are also highly geometric and precise.

Mulder's work has been exhibited widely in the Netherlands and internationally, including at the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, the Museum of Modern Art in New York, and the Venice Biennale. He is considered one of the leading figures in Dutch geometric abstraction, and his work has been influential in the development of contemporary abstract art.

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