Sylvie Eyberg

Born in Brussels, Belgium, in 1963, Sylvie Eyberg is primarily recognized for her precise and enigmatic compositions, which often blend black and white or monochromatic images with fragments of text.

Sylvie Eyberg's Art Style

At the heart of Eyberg's practice lies a meticulous process of selection, reproduction, and reframing details of printed images, often in tandem with text fragments. Sourcing materials from magazines and popular print media, she arranges these elements into precise yet lyrical compositions.

These arrangements may be enlarged or reduced in scale before being printed as monochromatic silkscreens or inkjet prints. Eyberg's manipulation of the halftone pattern inherent in images underscores their transient nature as symbolic constructs, perpetually intertwined with language.

In a manner reminiscent of the tradition of photomontage, these artworks evoke a strong sense of composition. The black and white tonality, along with the minimal depiction of elements, contributes to a feeling of austerity. However, viewers are quickly drawn into the intricate textures of both images and words.

In addition to employing a wide array of printing techniques, Eyberg has created a series of films that further explore and expand upon her fascination with the relationship between images and literature. These films also serve as a heartfelt homage to cinema, celebrating its rich history and its capacity to ignite our imagination.

Exhibitions of Sylvie Eyberg's Works

Sylvie Eyberg has exhibited her works extensively, with solo exhibitions held at Institut de Carton in Brussels, Shanaynay in Paris, Galerie Greta Meert in Brussels, Galerie Meert Rihoux in Brussels, Galerie Paula Böttcher in Berlin, and many more.

The artist has also participated in numerous group shows, including "Images et Mots depuis Magritte" at Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles in Paris (2016), "Auf Montage" at Galerie Pankow in Berlin (2016), "MOREpublishers present..." at Frans Masereel Centrum in Kasterlee (2014), "Alphaville Alfaville" at (SIC) in Brussels (2012), among others. 

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  • Years:

    Born in 1963

  • Country:

    Belgium, Brussels