Liliana Moro

Incorporating sound, sculpture, and performance, Liliana Moro constructs a world that is simultaneously raw and poetic. In her art, Moro employs a reductionist approach to distill essential elements, forming sets of phenomenological relationships imbued with a political undertone.

Biography of Liliana Moro

Liliana Moro was born in 1961 in Milan, Italy. She studied at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera under the guidance of Luciano Fabro. In 1989, she co-founded the Spazio di Via Lazzaro Palazzi in Milan with fellow artists, which remained active until 1993.

Moro was featured in the influential exhibition "Minimalia," which journeyed from the 1997 Venice Biennale to New York’s P.S.1. This showcase spotlighted the works of significant Italian artists including Ugo Mulas, Carla Accardi, Enrico Castellani, and Michelangelo Pistoletto, who, akin to Moro, embarked on paths of simplification and reduction through diverse means.

Furthermore, Liliana Moro has participated in major international group exhibitions, including Documenta IX in Kassel (1992), Aperto XLV at the Venice Biennale (1993), Castello di Rivoli in Turin (1994), Quadriennale in Rome (1996/2008), Moderna Museet in Stockholm (1998), PS1 in New York (1999), De Appel in Amsterdam (1999), and the Bienal de Valencia (2001). She has also held numerous solo shows at venues such as Galleria Emi Fontana in Milan, Galerie Greta Meert in Brussels, MUHKA in Antwerp, and Fondazione Ambrosetti in Brescia.

Currently, the artist resides and works in Milan, Italy. 

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  • Years:

    Born in 1961

  • Country:

    Italy, Milan