About the Artwork Lisaedi Pw Sophiegogl 2 1 1200x630 Crop 1 Q80

Sophie Gogl

Sophie Gogl is an Austrian artist who was born in Kitzbühel in 1992. She graduated from the University of Applied Arts in Vienna in 2017, where she studied painting under the guidance of Professor Judith Eisler.

Gogl's art draws inspiration from the internet and mass media, often transforming motifs from films, advertising, and other sources to investigate the ways in which painting can shape narratives in a world inundated with images. Her work explores the mechanisms of image production and consumption in the digital age. She frequently incorporates installation and mixed media into her practice.

Gogl has exhibited her work in numerous solo and group shows, including exhibitions at the Museum of Applied Art in Vienna and the Galerie der Stadt Schwaz in 2020, as well as a group show at Kunsthalle Bern. In 2021, she will be featured in the Vienna Biennale and will have her first solo exhibition with KOW during Berlin Gallery Weekend.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1992

  • Country:

    Austria, Kitzbühel

  • Gallery:
