About the Artwork 46 78518218
© Photo by Jeff Mangione

Oswald Oberhuber

Oswald Oberhuber was an Austrian artist, curator, and writer born in 1931. He was a leading figure in the Austrian art scene and played a key role in shaping contemporary art in Austria after World War II. Oberhuber's work encompassed a range of media, including painting, drawing, sculpture, and printmaking. His work was often characterized by its abstract and expressionist style, which combined elements of geometric abstraction and gestural mark-making. In addition to his artistic practice, Oberhuber was also a prolific writer and curator, organizing numerous exhibitions in Austria and internationally.

He served as the director of the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna from 1981 to 1995, where he was instrumental in promoting new approaches to art education and fostering a culture of artistic experimentation. Oberhuber passed away in 2020, but his legacy as an artist, curator, and educator continues to be celebrated and studied in Austria and beyond.

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