About the Artwork Staedel Museum Kunst Nach 1945 D

Dierk Schmidt

Dierk Schmidt, born in Unna, Westfalen, NW (DE) in 1965, is a contemporary German artist. In 1997, his first exhibition titled "Dierk Schmidt - 610,- (591,-)* 5 folies met als thema" was held at Stichting Villa De Bank in Enschede.

His most recent exhibition, "Under Construction," was showcased at Hamburger Bahnhof - Museum für Gegenwart in Berlin in 2022. Schmidt's work is mainly exhibited in Germany, although he has also had exhibitions in Spain, Austria, and other places. Over the last 25 years, he has participated in at least 12 solo exhibitions and 60 group exhibitions, as well as nine art fairs and five biennials. Notable exhibitions include Documenta 12 in Kassel in 2007, Berlin Biennale in Berlin, and Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía in Madrid. Schmidt has collaborated with Andreas Siekmann and Alice Creischer in various exhibitions. His art is included in the collection of Zabludowicz Collection London in London.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1965

  • Country:

    Germany, Unna

  • Gallery:


  • Social