About the Artwork Img Barbara Hammer 161635785249

Barbara Hammer

Barbara Hammer was an American experimental filmmaker born in 1939 who is known for her pioneering work in avant-garde cinema and her exploration of feminist and lesbian themes.

Hammer's work often incorporated experimental techniques, such as multiple exposures, superimpositions, and non-linear narrative structures. She was interested in exploring the formal possibilities of film as a medium and in using it to express a wide range of personal and political concerns.

Throughout her career, Hammer was particularly interested in the experiences of women and queer people. Many of her films focused on topics such as sexuality, gender identity, and the body, and she was known for her frank and unapologetic portrayal of these subjects.

Hammer's work has been exhibited at many major museums, including the Museum of Modern Art in New York, the Tate Modern in London, and Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris. 

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  • Years:

    Born in 1939

  • Country:

    United States of America, Los Angeles, California

  • Gallery:


  • Personal website