Sergio Mekler

Mekler is widely recognized as one of Brazil's most sought-after editors in the fields of video and cinema.

Sergio Mekler and the Art Collective Chelpa Ferro

Sergio Mekler is a prominent artist and integral member of the art collective Chelpa Ferro, which he co-founded in 1995 alongside Brazilian artists Barrão and Luiz Zerbini

The name "Chelpa Ferro" stems from an old colloquial Portuguese term for money, chosen by the artists for its distinctive sound. The group's diverse body of work delves into the malleability of sound and its dynamics, employing sculptures, objects, installations, and musical performances to push the boundaries of sensory perception. By utilizing everyday objects, they challenge the viewer's senses in innovative ways.

Chelpa Ferro's exhibitions have been held at various prestigious galleries and museums worldwide, including Sprovieri in London, Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil in Rio de Janeiro, Galeria Vermelho in São Paolo, Union Square in New York, The Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum in Connecticut, Progetti Gallery in Rio de Janeiro, Meskalito Gallery in London, among others esteemed venues. 

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  • Country:

    Brazil, Rio de Janeiro