Luiz Zerbini

Luiz Zerbini is a contemporary Brazilian artist known for his vivid and exuberant works that blur the line between abstraction and representation.

Biography of Luiz Zerbini

Born in São Paulo in 1959, Zerbini began his career as a painter in the 1980s and has since become one of Brazil's most prominent contemporary artists. He studied at the Fundação Armando Alvares Penteado, São Paulo.

As one of the foremost contemporary artists in Latin America, Zerbini creates paintings, sculptures, and installations that feature a rich tapestry of images and references drawn from art history and pop culture, often juxtaposed with lush, textured landscapes and cityscapes. By merging geometric and organic forms, his work reflects the natural and urban imagery of his native Brazil. Zerbini's vibrant palette spans a spectrum of verdant tones, highlighting the inherent chromatic diversity of the natural world while also incorporating neutral hues reminiscent of constructed environments.

He has exhibited his work in numerous solo and group shows in Brazil and internationally, including at Galeria Lugar Comum, Fortes D’Aloia & Gabriel, Stephen Friedman Gallery, Museu de Arte de São Paulo (MASP), and many others. 

Art Collective Chelpa Ferro

Besides, Luiz Zerbini is an integral member of the art collective Chelpa Ferro, which he co-founded in 1995 alongside Brazilian artists Barrão and Sergio Mekler. The group's diverse body of work explores the dynamic relationship between sound and sculpture, incorporating everyday objects into their installations, sculptures, and music performances.

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