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Romane de Watteville

Romane De Watteville is a Swiss artist born in 1993 and based in Lausanne. Her artistic practice revolves around the theme of the portrait, which can either be her own or that of others. Her works are characterized by a playful use of humor and a blurring of boundaries between reality and artifice.

De Watteville's art is predominantly focused on painting and printmaking, and she creates a wide range of works such as clothes, skins, reflections, and images. The artist's use of various pictorial zones is closely tied to emotional and sensual spaces, and she often explores the relationship between the viewer and the viewed, which is the central point of view in her works.

De Watteville's playful approach to art can be seen in her use of humor, which is evident in her use of real and fake elements in her works. This humor also extends to her use of backgrounds and images, which add depth and context to her paintings.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1993

  • Country:

    Switzerland, Lausanne

  • Gallery:

    Ciaccia Levi