About the Artwork Olve Sande Portraits 2.jpg

Olve Sande

Olve Sande is a visual artist born in Bergen in 1984 and currently based in Oslo. His studies in architecture and literature are key influences in his artistic practice, which often explores the connections between the two fields. Sande's work typically involves the use of standardized construction elements as his primary artistic materials, which he conceptualizes and materializes in relation to the site where they will be exhibited.

In his exhibition Outs in Paris (2013), Sande created new works using materials from the gallery space undergoing renovation, such as plasterboard, spackle, and painting felt. He imposed limitations on the creation process, resulting in works that appeared to be pure monochrome paintings but were created with building materials such as spackle. In his next exhibition, Suites, Sande combined his minimal visual language with his literary interest, using diagrams drawn by poet Jørn H. Sværen to establish the structural premises for his works.

Sande's interest in scenography also informs his artistic practice, exploring how it is possible to create abstractions of architectural and physical materials for use in stage sets. He learned a technique for painting stage flooring and used these floor-abstractions as readymade abstract paintings on which he could elaborate. In Plasterboard Flats (2015), Sande steps back from using building materials as abstract readymades and presents the illusion of plasterboard through photographs printed on cloths and mounted on aluminum frames.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1984

  • Country:

    Norway, Oslo