About the Artwork Renata Lucas

Renata Lucas

Renata Lucas is a Brazilian contemporary artist born in Ribeirão Preto in 1971. She is best known for her site-specific installations that often manipulate architectural and spatial elements to question and subvert the viewer's experience of a given space.

Lucas is interested in exploring the social and political aspects of architecture, urban spaces, and public environments. Her work often intervenes in public spaces, such as museums, galleries, and public squares, and transforms them into unique and immersive environments that challenge the viewer's perception of reality.

Her recent solo exhibitions include: ‘Farsa’, Performance Space, NY (2019), ‘fontes e sequestros’, Neugerriemschneider, Berlin (2015); Museu do Homem Diagonal (Museum of the Diagonal Man) 2014, Rio de Janeiro - Absolut Award; Untitled, secession, Vienna (2014); ‘[ ]’, Galeria Luisa Strina, São Paulo (2014); ‘Third Time’, Peep-Hole, Milan (2011) and ‘Cabeça e cauda de cavalo’, Ernst Schering Foundation Art Award, KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin (2010), among others.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1971

  • Country:

    Brazil, São Paulo