Robert Brambora

Robert Brambora is a German artist born in 1984 who currently lives and works in Berlin. He studied under Rebecca Warren at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf and completed his studies in 2015. Brambora's work focuses on the impact of the current neoliberal system on individuals, particularly in terms of Marxist analysis. He explores issues such as working conditions, stress-related illnesses, anxiety and loneliness, the housing crisis, and overpopulation, which lead to alienation in contemporary societies. He also investigates the sense of loss of points of reference and time distortion generated by stress conditions.

Brambora's practice revolves around two primary mediums: paintings and ceramics, which utilize traditional techniques and media, and large format panels with laser-engraved texts. His recent text works address issues related to the real estate market crisis and financial speculation. Brambora sources his texts from various materials, including political journals, excerpts of conversations and comments from internet forums, personal notes, scientific articles from medical journals, and theoretical essays on the economic competition faced by individuals. He reworks and superimposes these extracts to create a three-dimensional pictorial space that sometimes resembles architecture.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1984

  • Country:

    Germany, Berlin