About the Artwork credit: fitzmuseum

Reza Aramesh

Reza Aramesh, an Iranian artist born in 1970, currently resides and works in London. Aramesh works across multiple mediums, including photography, sculpture, video, and performance. His deep appreciation for the history of art, film, and literature is evident in his art. Aramesh takes images of violence and war from sources such as newspapers, online articles, and social media, and re-contextualizes them, investigating the iconography and representation of the subjected body in relation to race, class, and sexuality. This approach creates a critical dialogue with western art history. Aramesh has exhibited his work both nationally and internationally in solo and group shows. Recently, his work has been shown at 14 Bienal de la Habana 2022, Muntref Centro De Arte Contemporåneo, Buenos Aires (2022), Pejman Foundation, Argo Factory, Tehran (2022), and the 9th Edition of Sculpture in the City, London (2021), among others. Aramesh has performed and exhibited at venues such as Barbican Art Centre, Tate Britain, and ICA in London. His work is included in collections worldwide.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1970

  • Country:


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