About the Artwork 2c892055780f8070f040ad73538b2e7b

Ali Beheshti

Ali Beheshti is a Tehran-based artist with a strong focus on form and experimentation in drawing. He employs various materials and techniques, from graphite powder and ink to print transfers, to create frames that have a three-dimensional appearance. His works are deeply influenced by his interest in Islamic-Iranian philosophy, which emphasizes that every form hints at an origin that can be deciphered through layers of appearance.

Born in Qom, Iran, in 1988, Beheshti received his MFA in Painting and a BA in Graphic Design from Azad University of Tehran in 2016 and 2013, respectively. His unique approach to drawing involves stripping down the visual characteristics of a form to arrive at its purest essence.

Beheshti has held three solo exhibitions at Dastan's Basement, including "Opaque" in 2021, "Interpretation" in 2019, and "Insensible" in 2017. His works have also been featured in numerous group exhibitions, including "Encircle the Apple or Shadowlessness" and "Agog," both curated by Aidin Xankeshipour at V-Gallery and V-Café, respectively. He has also participated in art fairs such as Teer Art Fair Online in 2020 and Art Dubai 2019, where his work was showcased in Dastan's Basement Booth curated by Sam Samiee in Le Gymnasium Sacre.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1988

  • Country:

    Iran, Qom

  • Gallery:
