About the Artwork Artist 22427.jpg

Andisheh Avini

Andisheh Avini is a Brooklyn-based artist who was born in 1974 in New York. He works with a variety of mediums including painting, drawing, printmaking, and sculpture, often incorporating the traditional craft of marquetry into his artistic practice. Avini explores the duality of his own identity by combining iconic Iranian images like Persian calligraphy, decorative motifs, and portraiture with occidental concepts of minimalism and abstraction.

Avini's approach to his art speaks to a larger globalized society of nomads, the displaced, and the wayfarer, reflecting a contemporary multicultural experience that many can relate to. He has held more than 15 solo exhibitions and his work has appeared in more than 26 group exhibitions. He first started showing his work at I-20 Gallery in New York in 2002 and has since exhibited at prestigious galleries such as Alberto Peola Fine Arts in Turin, Feinkost Gallery in Berlin, Boesky Gallery in New York, and Frank Elbaz Gallery in Paris.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1974

  • Country:

    United States of America, New York

  • Gallery:
