Raphael Weilguni

Raphael Weilguni collaborated with Viola Relle to create sculptures that organically intertwine and dynamically repel each other. These works reveal an interplay between the viewer's discerning gaze and the intricate objects themselves, generating a tension that has evolved through the artists' collaboration. Using porcelain and ceramics, they meticulously combine materials in detailed compositions, finishing their works with wax and plaster to achieve their final forms.

Biography of Raphael Weilguni

Raphael Weilguni was born in 1989 in Augsburg, Germany. He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich, under Jean-Marc Bustamante's and Florian Pumhösl's guidance. He also studied under professors Till Steinbrenner & Lotte Lindner, Julian Rosefeldt, Manfred Pernice, and Kerstin Brätsch.

His early training also included an internship in the goldsmith's studio of Constanze Töttermann in Augsburg in 2010.

In 2016, Weilguni received a scholarship to Rutgers University, New Jersey, where he collaborated with Viola Relle.

The artist has participated in numerous exhibitions. His notable solo shows include "Boolean Logic" at megamelange exhibition space in Cologne (2021) and "Combined Signals" at Loggia Exhibition space in Munich (2021), both with Viola Relle. Other significant exhibitions include "Bring Me Back to Earth" (2019) at Galerie Rüdiger Schöttle in Munich and "Mit Menschen Leben" (2019) at Markus Lüttgen in Düsseldorf.

Currently, the artist lives and works in Munich.

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