Raphael Weilguni & Viola Relle

Raphael Weilguni and Viola Relle form a collaborative duo based in Munich, Germany.

Raphael Weilguni and Viola Relle's Art Practice

Raphael Weilguni and Viola Relle collaborate creatively: Weilguni, pursuing states of balance in higher realms, and Relle, a free spirit of the wind—wild, impulsive, and determined.

They cultivate a spiritual exchange in their work, leveraging strengths and weaknesses to fruitful ends. Guided by this dialogue, they meticulously explore the properties of their materials. Numerous tests and trials are conducted before joint discoveries are implemented with mutual agreement. This approach allows them to juxtapose fragile elements with rough ones, skillfully linking them together—sometimes playfully cunning, sometimes decisively forceful, yet always with heightened sensitivity.

Thin porcelain fragments are nestled within clay constructions, their impact resonating with a delicate balance. Plaster elements protrude from intricate passages, resembling a peculiar overflow of an unusual filling. By altering one's perception, one might also perceive a symbiotic fungal infestation.

The ceramics, collectively formed and glazed, shimmer or oscillate curiously, depending on the viewer's perception speed. With their metallic-infused color palette, they appear to be artifacts from a future past. The artworks are detached, whether lying on the ground like driftwood, placed on pedestals as if they were found objects, or suspended from the ceiling like skeletons in a natural history museum. They evoke a sense of forgotten events, bearing witness to unknown occurrences.

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