Viola Relle

Viola Relle collaborated with Raphael Weilguni to create sculptures that organically intertwine and dynamically repel each other. These works reveal an interplay between the viewer's discerning gaze and the intricate objects themselves, generating a tension that has evolved through the artists' collaboration. Using porcelain and ceramics, they meticulously combine materials in detailed compositions, finishing their works with wax and plaster to achieve their final forms.

Biography of Viola Relle

Viola Relle was born in 1992 in Budapest, Hungary. She completed her diploma in 2018 with Prof. Nicole Wermers in the Sculpture Class for Ceramics and Glass at the Academy of Fine Arts, Munich.

From 2017 to 2018, she was a master student under Prof. Markus Karstieß with N.N. Prangenberg. Relle's educational journey also included studying at the Academy of Fine Arts Munich from 2012 to 2017.

She received a scholarship from Rutgers University (2016), studied at Medellin Universidad Nacional in Colombia (2012), and was awarded a ZIS scholarship in Sicily in 2011, where she worked in ceramics studios (Improntabarre, Fratantoni). From 2008 to 2009, she attended Carmel High School in New York, taking drawing and painting classes with Aureliani.

Currently, Viola Relle lives and works in Munich, Berlin. 

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