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Chen Wei

Chen Wei is a contemporary Chinese artist known for his exceptional photography work and installations. 

Chen Wei's Biography

The artist was born in Zhejiang Province, China, in 1980. Although Wei initially delved into the realm of experimental music during his early career, he eventually shifted his focus toward photography. 

Chen Wei's artworks are held in prestigious venues and exhibited in various art institutions worldwide. Notable showcases include the Seoul Museum of Art, the Museum of Contemporary Art in Shanghai, the Pingyao International Photography Festival, the Poznan Biennale, etc. 

Furthermore, esteemed fashion and art magazines like FHM and LEAP have commissioned Chen Wei. Through these partnerships, he has successfully produced projects that unite conceptual photography with fashion design, featuring products by renowned brands such as Bottega Veneta, LV, and Prada. Additionally, Wei was one of the artists involved in the "A Plus" exhibition, organized by Lane Crawford and Modern Weekly, which aimed to unite the top fashion designers and artists in China.

In recognition of his exceptional skills, Chen Wei was honored with the title "Best Photography Artist" at the Dead Rabbit Awards in 2011, a prestigious accolade presented by the international contemporary art magazine Ran Dian.

Currently, the artist resides and creates in Beijing, China.

Chen Wei's art style

Drawing inspiration from diverse sources like daily news, everyday life, and artists like John Cage, Wolfgang Tillmans, Martin Parr, and Zhang Jungang, Chen Wei's artistic focus lies in capturing the outcomes of dramatic conflicts than showing the stories behind them. He addresses social issues and documents human values and desires through photos of still lifes, empty interiors, and staged nightclub scenes. 

Wei, a masterful storyteller, weaves intricate personal narratives by using found objects, carefully crafted props, and staged scenes, all of which are constructed and assembled within the confines of his studio. Each image evokes the resonance of recurring motifs, memories, and dreams.

While photography remains his primary medium, Chen Wei ventures beyond its boundaries to create multi-media installations that serve as an extension of his studio practice. His breathtaking LED sculptures are reminiscent of city life. 

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