Agnes Scherer

Agnes Scherer is a German artist born in 1985 who currently lives and works in Salzburg and Berlin. She studied painting at the Kunstakademie in Düsseldorf.

Scherer has had several solo exhibitions, including "The Notebook Simulations" at Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westfalen in Dusseldorf (2021), "My refuge, my treasure, without body, without measure" at ChertLüdde in Berlin (2021), "Coeurs Simples" at Sans titre in Paris (2020), and "ORLANDO TUSSAUD" at Philipp Haverkampf in Berlin (2019). In 2023, she will have a solo exhibition at Kunstverein Heidelberg.

Scherer is also known for her operettas. Her first work, "Cupid and the Animals," won the Nigel Greenwood Art Prize in 2015 and was performed in several locations, including the Museum Ludwig in Cologne (2017) and TRAMPS in New York (2018). Her second work, "The Teacher," was presented by Kinderhook & Caracas in Berlin and at Cabaret Voltaire in Zurich (2020). In 2020, Scherer presented the first part of her third operetta project, "The Salty Testament," at 1646 in The Hague.

In addition to her operettas, Scherer's narrative installation "The Very Hungry" at the Berlin project space Horse & Pony was awarded the Berlin Art Prize in 2019.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1985

  • Country:

    Germany, Berlin

  • Gallery:

    Sans titre