About the Artwork Kosovo Road to Venice  17 E1494928122716

Petrit Halilaj

Petrit Halilaj is a contemporary artist born in 1986 in Kostërrc, Skenderaj-Kosovo. He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Brera, Milan, and currently lives and works in Berlin, Germany.

Halilaj's work explores themes related to identity, memory, and displacement, often drawing on his personal experiences as a refugee from Kosovo. He is known for his use of a wide range of media, including sculpture, installation, drawing, and performance. Many of Halilaj's installations involve re-creating elements of his childhood home and village, including its flora and fauna, as well as the people and animals that inhabited them. These installations often challenge the boundaries between the natural and the artificial, and question the relationship between humans and their environment.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1983

  • Country:

    Germany, Berlin

  • Gallery:
