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Paul B Davis

Paul B. Davis is an artist who lives and works in London. He is known for his use of outdated or obsolete computer technologies, particularly Nintendo game systems, to create specialist interventions in the digital art medium. Davis alters the existing code of these ready-made objects while adding nothing new, using a handcrafted approach. This allows him to project an alternative potential onto the object, blurring the lines between computers and art, theory and praxis.

Davis has exhibited internationally at prestigious institutions such as the Akademie Der Kunste, Whitechapel Gallery, Printed Matter, Witte de With Centre, HMKV, Tate Britain, Team Gallery, LABoral Centro de Arte, the Rotterdam International Film Festival, and ARD Television Germany. His work is also included in the permanent collections of the Whitney Museum and the Rhizome ArtBase.

Davis recently completed a PhD at Central St. Martins titled “Turing-completeness as Medium: Art, Computers and Intentionality” and is a lecturer in Fine Art at Goldsmiths College.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1977

  • Country:

    United States of America