Sachin Kaeley

Sachin Kaeley is a British artist who creates tactile paintings that are layered with acrylics and gels. He picks out the furrows and ridges on these paintings with spray paint, which gives them a hyperreal quality. Kaeley's paintings appear as malleable as butter, icing, or soft clay. His work has been compared to digital image making, as the surfaces of his paintings are marked with the markings of fingers dragged deep into layers of paint, giving the impression of the ease and adaptability with which we go about image editing.

Kaeley graduated from the Royal College of Art and is currently based in Berlin. His recent exhibitions include 'A ghost With a Finger on Your Tongue' at Murias/Centeno, Porto (2016); 'Accompanied By Sound' at Contemporary Fine Arts Galerie, Berlin (2015); 'Sachin Kaeley' at Seventeen, London (2014); 'Maximalism' at Contemporary Fine Arts Galerie, Berlin (2014); 'Sachin Kaeley' at Galerie Hussenot, Paris (2014); '3A Project' at Bodson Gallery, Brussels (2014); 'Speculations on Anonymous Materials' at Fridericianum, Kassel (2013); 'Le Club de sous L'eau,' at Palais de Tokyo, Paris (2013).

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  • Years:

    Born in 1982

  • Country:

    United States of America, Richmond, Virginia