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Monika Baer

Monika Baer is a contemporary German artist known for her abstract paintings and sculptures. Born in 1964 in Freiburg, Germany, Baer studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Hamburg and later at the Städelschule in Frankfurt. Today, she lives and works in Berlin.

Baer's work is characterized by its use of bold colors, sharp lines, and geometric shapes. Her paintings often feature multiple layers of paint that create a sense of depth and texture, while her sculptures explore the relationship between form and material.

Baer often uses unorthodox materials in her work. For example, in her series of "zipper paintings," she incorporates zippers into the canvas, creating a three-dimensional effect that plays with the viewer's perception. She has also used materials like concrete, foam, and mesh in her sculptures, pushing the boundaries of what is traditionally considered "fine art."

Monika Baer has exhibited her work extensively both nationally and internationally, including at the Museum of Modern Art in New York, the Hamburger Bahnhof in Berlin, and the Tate St. Ives in Cornwall, England. She has also taught at various institutions, including the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich and the University of Fine Arts in Hamburg.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1964

  • Country:

    Germany, Berlin