Mirak Jamal

Mirak Jamal is an Iranian-born artist who currently lives and works in Berlin. His paintings often depict distorted and oddly figurative scenes, reflecting his experience of global displacement and adjustment after his family fled Iran during the Islamic Revolution.

Jamal has exhibited internationally, with recent solo exhibitions at Kunsthall Oslo in 2019 and Galerie Sultana in Paris in 2020. He has also participated in numerous group exhibitions, including at the Brücke Museum in Berlin, Kunsternes Hus in Oslo, Union Pacific in London, and the Hamburger Bahnhof in Berlin. His work was also featured in the 15th Istanbul Biennial at Istanbul Modern and Pinakothek der Moderne in Munich in 2017.

Jamal is represented by Galerie Sultana in Paris.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1979

  • Country:

    Iran, Tehran

  • Gallery:
