About the Artwork Sophie Varin Galerie Sultana Gucci Peinture Numero Magazine 3.jpg
© Photo by Charlotte Krieger

Sophie Varin

Sophie Varin is a French artist who currently lives and works in Brussels. She holds an MFA from the Piet Zwart Institute in Rotterdam and a BA from the Beaux Arts de Paris and the Hunter College School of Art in New York. Varin's work encompasses sculpture, painting, video, and performance art.

Her recent solo exhibitions include 'Ni bien ni mal' at Galerie Sultana in Paris, 'Halfway There' at 12.26 West in Los Angeles, 'Adventurer' at Fortnight Institute in New York, 'The Mumble The Attractor' at CunstLink in Brussels, and 'Of Recklessness and Water' at Brooker Benington in London.

Varin has also participated in several group exhibitions, including 'Vallée des merveilles' at Espace à vendre in Nice, France, 'Nothing to conquer' at Louise Alexander Gallery in Porto Cervo, Italy, 'Nuit Noir' at Chapelle XIV in Paris, and 'Tiger in a Tropical Storm' at Louise Alexander Gallery in Porto Cervo. Other notable exhibitions include 'Complices Disonantes' at Casa Lu in Mexico City, 'Melancholympics' at The Wunderwall in Antwerp, and 'Tripping autonomy' at the Piet Zwart Institute Graduation Show at De Kroon in Rotterdam.

Varin's work is multidisciplinary and often explores themes of identity, personal history, and the relationship between the self and the world around us. Her work has been exhibited internationally and has received critical acclaim for its innovation and thought-provoking nature.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1993

  • Country:


  • Gallery:
