Anna Mari Liivrand

Anna Mari Liivrand is a talented and versatile artist known for her captivating installations and expressive drawings.

Biography of Anna Mari Liivrand

Anna Mari Liivrand was born in 1993. Her formal training began in 2012 at the esteemed Estonian Academy of Arts, where she embarked on a transformative path focused on installation and sculpture. She received a Bachelor's degree in 2016. 

Driven by an insatiable thirst for knowledge and a desire to broaden her artistic horizons, Liivrand embarked on a transformative adventure in 2015, undertaking studies at the Icelandic Academy of Arts. This immersive experience in the vibrant creative landscape of Iceland expanded her artistic perspective, exposing her to diverse artistic approaches and nurturing her thirst for exploration and innovation.

Fueled by her passion for the arts and an unwavering commitment to artistic growth, Liivrand returned to the Estonian Academy of Arts in 2020 to pursue her Master's degree in contemporary art.

Anna Mari Liivrand’s art style

Anna Mari Liivrand's artistic pursuits center around the conventional usage of everyday materials and related unconscious judgements. Through her works, she delves into the realms of evanescence and melancholy prevalent in contemporary society, employing poetic language to express her creative vision.

In recent years, Anna Mari Liivrand has directed her focus towards everyday rituals, ornaments, and decoration.

In a captivating fusion of the extraordinary and the conventional, Anna Mari Liivrand intertwines unexpected materials — fragments of her own skin, essences of vitamins, and more — with traditional craft techniques, giving birth to ethereal spatial installations. Liivrand's artistic alchemy manifests itself through an unusual assemblage of materials, each possessing a peculiar allure that sparks curiosity and introspection.

Artistic Achievements and Recognition

In recognition of her exceptional talent and artistic contributions, Anna Mari Liivrand has garnered prestigious accolades throughout her career. In 2014, her remarkable artistic prowess was honored with the esteemed Young Sculptor Prize, a testament to her innovative approach and mastery of sculptural forms.

Liivrand's artistic impact extends beyond solo exhibitions, as she has participated in various group shows, including the 7th Artishok Biennale.

The year 2020 marked another significant milestone in Liivrand's artistic journey, as she was awarded the prestigious Eduard Wiiralt Prize. In 2021, her remarkable talent was acknowledged with the Estonian Cultural Endowment's annual award.

Upcoming exhibitions: Atletika, Vilnius. Curator Kaisa Maasik (2023), Arka gallery, Vilnius. Curator Šelda Puķīte (2023). 

Solo exhibitions: Prick of a Daisy. ARS Project Space, Tallinn (2021), Beds and Ripples. Draakon Gallery, Tallinn, Estonia (2019), Monument Valley (may contain artifacts). Showcase Gallery, Tallinn, Estonia (2018), Amber. Haapsalu City Gallery, Haapsalu, Estonia, with Kati Saarits (2017), Unshatterable. Hobusepea Gallery, Tallinn, Estonia (2017), Fool’s Gold. Draakoni Gallery’s basement gallery, Tallinn, Estonia, with Kati Saarits (2016).

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  • Years:

    Born in 1993

  • Country:

    Estonia, Keila