Melik Ohanian

Melik Ohanian's artworks delve into the methods, mediums, and allegorical potency of imagery, continually revisiting several themes: desert landscapes, the realm of the working class, the end of revolutionary utopias, and social, historical, and scientific facts.

Biography of Melik Ohanian

Melik Ohanian was born in Lyon, France, in 1969. In 1988, he completed his studies at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts de Montpellier in France. Five years later, in 1993, Ohanian received a DNSEP Art et Média from the Ecole Nationale des Beaux-Arts de Lyon. The following year, the artist obtained a Post-Diplôme Art et Média from the same institution.

During his artistic career, Melik Ohanian has been honored with numerous awards, including the Golden Lion for the Best National Pavilion (Armenia) at the 56th Venice Biennale (2015), the Marcel Duchamp Award in Paris (2015), and the Prix Visarte in Zurich (2019).

His recent solo exhibitions include "Remember, It Was Tomorrow" at Shoah Memorial in Paris (2023), "The Time Before" at Cristina Guerra Gallery in Lisbon (2022), "Melik Ohanian" at MAC VAL in Vitry-sur-Seine (2021), and many more.

Melik Ohanian's works have also been featured in various group exhibitions, including "Diasporice" at Centrul de Interes in Cluj-Napoca (2023), "Mirror Mirror: On Fashion & the Psyche" at the Fashion Museum Antwerp in Antwerp (2022), and "Rhé" at Galerie Chantal Crousel in Paris (2021), among others.

The artist has also participated in the 26th Sao Paulo Biennial, the 14th La Biennale de Lyon, the 20th Biennale of Sydney, and the 10th Sharjah Biennial.

Currently, Melik Ohanian lives and works between Paris and New York City. 

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