José María Sicilia

José María Sicilia is a Spanish artist acclaimed for his paintings created using a blend of wax and printer’s ink. Through his artistic inquiry into light and substance, Sicilia explores the realm between presence and absence. José María Sicilia's profound sensitivity to nature has long driven his artistic journey, as he has dedicated much of his career to exploring the intangible space between art and life, between Eros and Thanatos.

Biography of José María Sicilia

José María Sicilia was born in Madrid in 1954 and grew up during the Francoist regime in Spain. In 1975, he enrolled at the School of Fine Arts of San Fernando in Madrid. By 1980, he had relocated to Paris, marking his initial foray into exhibitions. Later, in 1985, he moved to New York.

Initially displaying an Expressionist inclination in his early works, Sicilia garnered acclaim in the 1980s as one of Spain's most esteemed young artists.

Known for his depictions of nature, including landscapes, insects, and flowers, Sicilia draws inspiration from his extensive travels to places like Tangier, Syria, Egypt, Morocco, and India. He has developed a distinct artistic identity, employing unconventional techniques such as the fusion of wax with lithography.

José María Sicilia's paintings have been showcased in numerous solo and group exhibitions. Recent solo shows include "Suspendu à un fil" at Galerie Chantal Crousel in Paris (2023), "Light on Light" at Meessen De Clercq in Brussels (2020), "Phasma" at Galeria Joan Prats in Barcelona (2018), and many more. Sicilia has also participated in group exhibitions held at prestigious venues worldwide such as Museo Nacional del Prado, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Caen, M+ Pavilion, Passage de Retz, Centre Pompidou, Fundacion Museo Evaristo Valle, among others. 

His artworks are featured in significant public and private collections spanning Europe, the USA, and Asia. These collections include M+ in Hong Kong, CAPC in Bordeaux, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía in Madrid, Banco de España collection in Madrid, Caixa Collection in Barcelona, Institute Valencià d’Art Modern in Valencia, The Museum of Modern Art in New York, the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York, and the Cincinnati Art Museum in Cincinnati, among others.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1954

  • Country:

    Spain, Madrid