Moshe Ninio

A prominent figure in the Israeli art scene, Moshe Ninio, born in Tel Aviv, Israel, in 1953, explores the essence of imagery through his installations, employing various art apparatuses. Ninio's artworks undergo a prolonged process of development, aiming to transcend the image's conventional status and enter a realm that is both polemical and spiritual.

With subtlety, his unassuming images, often latent and drawn from mundane trivialities, establish a dialogue with other artworks. The significance of imagery in Ninio's work is intricate, with its iconic status often taking precedence.

Exhibitions of Moshe Ninio's Works

Moshe Ninio has exhibited his work in numerous solo and group exhibitions worldwide. Notable solo shows include "Patch" at NBA Gallery in Berlin (2018), "Lapse" at Musée d’art et d’Histoire du Judaïsme in Paris (2016), "Rainbow: Rug" at the Santa Monica Museum of Art in Santa Monica (2015). Additionally, his solo shows have been held at various venues, including Galerie Chantal Crousel, Mary Faouzi Gallery, S.M.A.K., Marge Goldwater Gallery, The Israel Museum, and Camera Obscura Gallery, among others.

Ninio has also participated in group exhibitions, including "In the Land of My Love" at Musée Ramat Gan for Israeli Art in Ramat Gan (2023), "Eggshell on Palm" at Dvir Gallery in Paris (2023), "It might be a Mirage" at West den Haag in Haag (2022), "Material Imagination: Israeli Art from the Museum’s Collection" at the Tel Aviv Museum of Art in Tel Aviv (2022), "There is a crack in Everything: for Dafna" at Dvir Gallery in Tel Aviv (2021), among others. 

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  • Years:

    Born in 1953

  • Country:

    Israel, Tel Aviv