About the Artwork Cedric Eisenring Portraet Dez 2017 Agkh 18 Likeyou

Cédric Eisenring

Cédric Eisenring's artistic practice delves into the relationship between the factual, industrial or (infra-)structural and the fictional, imaginary or contingent, across a range of media including photography, print, and site-specific installation.

Born in 1983, Cédric Eisenring is an artist who has exhibited widely in Switzerland, as well as in Germany, the United Kingdom, and other locations. He has had at least 7 solo exhibitions and 45 group exhibitions in the past 11 years, including notable shows at Kunsthalle Zürich and Aargauer Kunsthaus. Eisenring has also participated in several art fairs and one biennial. His work is in the collection of at least one museum, Kunsthaus Kollitsch in Klagenfurt. Notable exhibitions of his work include Cédric Eisenring - Manor Kunstpreis 2018 at Aargauer Kunsthaus in Aarau. Eisenring has exhibited alongside Thomas Julier and Emanuel Rossetti.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1983

  • Country:

    Switzerland, Basel

  • Gallery:
