Lisa Khan

Biography of Lisa Khan

In the vibrant tapestry of Indigenous Australian art, Lisa Khan emerges as a storyteller, a painter who weaves the landscapes of her ancestral Country and the vibrant tales of her Yankunytjatjara/Antakirinja heritage. The artist was born on July 1, 1987, in Coober Pedy, Australia.

Lisa Khan proudly carries the Yankunytjatjara/Antakirinja language and works at APY Studio Adelaide.

Lisa Khan's Art Style

At the heart of Lisa Khan's art lies the parente tjukurpa, a sacred story from her grandfather's Country. It recounts the tale of the parente lizard that stole the grinding stone. Through her brush, Lisa Khan breathes life into this important story, ensuring that it continues to echo through the generations.

Her canvas extends beyond the ancestral stories to capture the essence of her home, Coober Pedy. Memories of childhood, the hunt for opals, playing in the sand, and learning the traditional ways of hunting lizards, particularly the ankata (bearded dragon), are vividly painted. Her art becomes a portal, inviting viewers to experience the vibrancy of her upbringing in this unique desert landscape.

When I paint, I feel connected to my Country and my grandparents who aren't here anymore. I am telling my stories through my paintings to pass it on to my son, nephews and nieces.
Lisa Khan
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