Jeannie Minunga

Jeannie's artistic narrative unfolds across three main themes: her Country, Paradise, and Wanampi Tjukurpa—the water snake dreaming. With each stroke, she encapsulates the spirit of her homeland, the allure of Paradise, and the ancient tales of the water snake dreaming.

Biography of Jeannie Minunga

Born in 1952, Jeannie Minunga is a senior Yankunytjatjara woman whose artistic prowess has become a beacon of cultural storytelling.

Jeannie's roots trace back to the lands of Iwantja, her mother's country, and Kunamata, her father's ancestral home. Currently, she resides between the enchanting Umoona and Oodnadatta, embracing the rich tapestry of her heritage.

In October 2021, she embarked on a new chapter of her artistic journey at the Umoona Arts Centre. Painting became her expressive medium, and she found herself sharing this creative odyssey with her husband, Keith Minunga, sister-in-law Kay Finn, and daughter Myra Kumantjara. Together, they form a collaborative force that transcends generations, weaving stories of the past into the vibrant canvases of the present.

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