Christine Lennon

An emerging artist and community leader, Christine Lennon, paints not just the vivid hues of her Country but also the dreams and aspirations of her people. 

Biography of Christine Lennon

Born on March 19, 1968, Christine Lennon is a multilingual artist, conversing fluently in Antikirinya, Arrernte, and Yankunytjatjara. Her artistic endeavors find a home at Umoona Arts, where she not only expresses the beauty of her ancestral lands but also advocates for meaningful change within her community. 

She is employed full-time at Umoona Alcohol and Drug Service, actively contributing to community rehabilitation programs. She is a vocal advocate for promoting Aboriginal employment in the region.

Lennon's artistic journey began in mid-2021, a relatively recent chapter in her life but one that resonates with authenticity and passion. Through her paintings, she brings to life the landscapes she knows and loves, capturing the essence of her Country in each brushstroke.

Her role as a Umoona Arts Director is pivotal in the establishment and growth of the art center. Her dedication to creating employment opportunities for women in Umoona and Coober Pedy is a testament to her vision for a brighter future. The art center, for Christine Lennon, is not just a place for artistic expression but a hub for meaningful work, where the rich heritage of Aboriginal women is celebrated and nurtured.

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