George Cooley

George Cooley specializes in painting the landscape of his Country, focusing particularly on the Breakaways, a significant site located 25km north of Coober Pedy. Renowned for its stunning hills, mesas, and plains, the Breakaways serve as a prominent subject in his artwork.

Biography of George Cooley

In the heart of Coober Pedy, where the earth tells tales of its ancient beauty, resides George Cooley, a senior man, community leader, opal miner, and an artist of extraordinary talent. 

Beyond his prowess with a paintbrush, George Cooley is a respected community leader in Coober Pedy. His influence extends across both the Umoona Arts community and the broader Coober Pedy region, where his leadership is marked by a deep connection to the land and its people.  

My story is about the painted desert landscapes, landscaping of country and the environment of Coober Pedy. I've been living in Coober Pedy since 1958. I try to capture the beauty of the ochre colours around the country I love
George Cooley
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