Josephine Mick

Biography of Josephine Mick

Josephine Watjari Mick was born in 1955 to the esteemed artist Kuntjiriya Mick, near Pukatja (Ernabella). Her artistic journey, intertwined with a powerful dream and a calling for healing, unfolds like a mesmerizing tale.

She believes her healing abilities were bestowed upon her by the power of a transformative dream. For years, she has dedicated herself to the practice of Ngangkari, focusing her healing work particularly on women and children.

Amidst the homelands movement of the 1970s, Josephine Mick made her home in Pipalyatjara, further enriching her cultural roots. A vibrant participant in Ninuku Arts, she showcases her commitment to the broader artistic community. Demonstrating her versatility, she has assumed the role of director multiple times, illustrating her leadership and dedication to the artistic endeavors of Ninuku Arts.

Currently, Josephine Watjari Mick resides with her daughter Sally Scales in Adelaide, continuing her artistic journey at APY Studio Adelaide.

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