Betty Mula

Biography of Betty Mula

Betty Mula, born in Mparntwe (Alice Springs) in 1973, was raised by her mother in Imanpa. Growing up, she attended schools in both Imanpa and Mparntwe, receiving a diverse education that enriched her understanding of her cultural heritage and the broader world.

At the Imanpa Craft Room, Betty discovered her passion for painting, beginning a journey that would shape her artistic identity and contribute to the vibrant tapestry of Indigenous art.

He's art extends beyond the canvas, resonating with the cheerful spirit that defines her. Betty Mula is a lively individual who dedicates most of her days to the art center, yet she also possesses a deep understanding of the Country and its traditional cuisine. During weekends, she frequently ventures into the bush to hunt for tinka (goannas) or maku (witchetty grubs), breathing life into the landscapes of Mimili.

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