Puna Yanima

Upon the establishment of Mimili Maku Arts, Puna Yanima wasted no time intertwining her profound understanding of Country with the art of painting. As a pivotal community leader, she played a crucial role in shaping the early development of the art center. Today, Puna's artistic signature is defined by her captivating creations characterized by inky, fluid strokes that exude a delightful sense of play and joyfulness.

Biography of Puna Yanima

Puna Yanima's roots trace back to the bush near De Rose Hill Station in the remote north of South Australia, where she was born in 1955. Her father, Norman Yanima, hailed from Piltati, near Nyapari, on the APY Lands, while her mother, Lucy Yanima, was born in Indulkana. Growing up, Puna and her four siblings spent their formative years living off the land and journeying between communities alongside their parents.

Raised speaking Yankunytjatjara, Puna later relocated to Indulkana during her childhood years. Eventually, as a young woman starting her own family, she settled in Mimili with her partner and four children.

Puna Yanima has since become one of the esteemed senior cultural leaders of the Mimili Community. Her dedication to preserving cultural traditions is evident as she passionately imparts her knowledge of inma (ceremonial song and dance) and culture to the next generation.

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